
درس پانزدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی

آموزش لغات انگلیسی در فیلم های انگلیسی : درس ۱۵


پیشرفت، بهبود، ظرافت

Clip Script: Where were you born?

On a chicken farm outside of Lubbock.

Southern home filled with every luxury and refinement. Where are your parents?

Probably on the front porch in their rocking chairs.

Parents dead.

Further example: The new model has a number of refinements.




Clip Script: Okay. Catherine Allen states that Leigh cleaned out his trailer on Friday after work “and moved it to Santa Rosa on Saturday, August 7th, 1971. You interviewed him at the refinery on August 4th. Yeah. So, he’s cleaning out his trailer, he’s moving into a different country 48 hours after you interviewed him?”

Further example: Near Irvine and the port of Ardrossan, on the west coast, there is another large oil refinery.

درس پانزدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Refinery پالایشگاه
Refinery پالایشگاه


پشیمان شدن

Clip Script: Too much alcohol, too many drugs, too much mindless cheating. Just regret Ocean of regret. I lost everything. My pride, my job. My family.

Further example: I’ve never regretted the decision.



طوطی وار تکرار کردن، نشخوار کردن

Clip Script: Brown was videotaped severely beating a motorist named Shondell Parmallee in what civil rights groups are calling old school L.A.P.D. Brutality revisited, revived, and regurgitated.

Further example: She tries to get student to think critically not just regurgitate facts.



به وضع اول باز گرداندن

Clip Script: Oh, please, no!

Get in the car!

Ahh, no! Don’t do this to me!

Here’s the deal. You give us the complete anti-aging cream formula and if you attempt to contact Ms. Moore charges against her will be reinstated. Do I make myself clear, Mr.Kirk?

Further example: California reinstated the death penalty in 1977.



دوباره روحیه دادن، جان تازه بخشیدن

Clip Script: He offed a few citizens, he wrote a few letters, and he faded into a footnote. Not that I haven’t been siting here idly waiting for you to drop by and reinvigorate my sense of purpose. It was four years ago. Let it fucking go.

Further example: Carey’s hope was that the church would be renewed and reinvigorated.



 مجددا جاری شدن

Clip Script: Please proceed to the preparation area where you will be reissued to your sleep suits.

Further example: The government demanded satisfaction, and it was reissued.




Clip Script: In the ’۸۰ s, ’۹۰ s.

Wasn’t till 2005 that the plan changed and she was supposed to stay with Adrian.

The problem here is there are remnants from all those old plans that keep pushing them together. They still feel like they belong with each other even though they don’t, and we’re about to tear them apart again.

Further example: The remnants of a meal stood on the table.



مزد، پاداش، جبران

Clip Script: You’d file a civil suit against the perpetrator for financial remuneration. Also, you mentioned that your son was struck by the grill guard of the vehicle.

Further example: System of formal warnings to control absence also seem to be less effective than the terms of the remuneration scheme.



قرار ملاقات

Clip Script: The problem is, right, the effect only lasts an hour, right? I’ll improve it. Oh, you, you my friend, hey, you, you have a rendezvous.

What’s this?

Further example: He made a rendezvous with her in Times Square.

درس پانزدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Rendezvous قرار ملاقات
Rendezvous قرار ملاقات

Renege on pledge

زیر قول خود زدن

Clip Script: ‘Fred Casely assured me he’d get me an audition down at the Onyx. Then he reneged on his pledge, and that was my motive for attacking him.

Pretty fancy way of saying He’s a big fat liar who welshed on a deal, so I shot him.

Further example: They reneged on a pledge to release the hostages.



بازآمدن، دوباره مطرح شدن

Clip Script: Steve called a while ago and said you’d be taking the case. We’re just making sure that your client doesn’t have a reoccurrence of the last incident.

Hey, Sarge, take a look at this.

Last incident?

Yeah, he’s going around photographing damaged SUVs.

Further example: She was happy for because of reoccurrence of peace to the life.




Clip Script: We didn’t realize yet the repercussions of what we had done. Our love would forever alter the course of history. But that’s another story.

Further example: The collapse of the company had Repercussions for the whole industry.



نفرت انگیز، مشمئز کننده

Clip Script: We hear of some bizarre or repugnant or deviant story like the one you are about to hear.

Further example: Animal experiments are morally repugnant to many people.



دفع کردن

Clip Script: How about that?

Meanwhile, the object of your adoration is now repulsed by you.

You don’t always make me miserable.

There’s a comfort.

I just sometimes I need to come home and have a little David time.

He looks at you like someone he’s never met before.

Is that okay?

Further example: The very thought of his cold clammy hands repulsed me.




Clip Script: The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you’re brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments and set out on a truth-seeking journey either externally or internally and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you.

Further example: She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.



خانه، محل سکونت

Clip Script: Melvin, he’s reaching out to you.

Absolutely. Inspectors, he sent this letter directly to my residence. It is a cry for help, intended as a private communique.

Which is why you contacted the Chronicle.

The people have a right to know.

Further example: I do not have a permanent residence.

درس پانزدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Residence خانه، محل سکونت
Residence خانه، محل سکونت


Resign oneself to the fact that

این حقیقت را پذیرفتن که

Clip Script: No, They’ve given up on finding this guy and they want me to resign myself to the fact that he’s never gonna be caught. Why should he get away with it?

He shouldn’t get away with it. You think I want him to get away with it? You’ve always been there for us, Ethan. Don’t abandon us now.

That’s what you think?

Further example: At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that I’d never be a dancer.
