
درس چهاردهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی

آموزش لغات انگلیسی در فیلم های انگلیسی : درس ۱۴


به نحو بارزی، به طور چشمگیری

Clip Script: You have the C word prominently displayed.


You have eyes.

Further example: Her photo was prominently displayed on his desk.



تحت تعقیب قرار دادن

Clip Script: Have you contacted out of state authorities as well, or…

What will happen  to him if you catch him?

Well, he’ll be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Which is what?

Further example: Buxton is being prosecuted for assault.

درس چهاردهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Prosecute تحت تعقیب قرار دادن
Prosecute تحت تعقیب قرار دادن




Clip Script: And I like the way you say “enlightenment.”

“Enlightenment.” I try.

You’re missing a syllable, but I like it.

It’s beautiful, no? It’s Pura Melanting, which means “Temple of Prosperity.”


Yup. So

Further example: We are looking forward to a time of economic prosperity.



ثروتمند، موفق

Clip Script: When any contact between worlds was extremely dangerous and totally forbidden. Up top had grown rich and prosperous while here, down below, we stole inverse-metal from up top to heat out homes and to survive.

Further example: after the war, Germany become one of Europe’s most prosperous countries.

درس چهاردهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Prosperous ثروتمند، موفق
Prosperous ثروتمند، موفق



دهاتی وار، ساده لوحانه

Clip Script: Cut this nonsense out.

Sweetest of Templetons, if at any time you feel my excellent work is no longer in step with this provincial rag, I’ll more than happily … More than happily decamp for greener pastures.

Paul, I mean it!

Further example: I hate his provincial attitudes.


Prowl car

ماشین گشت پلیس

Clip Script: I shall not tell you what my disguise consists of when I kill. As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me, contrary to what the police say. I wear transparent fingertips. All it is two coats of airplane cement coated on my fingertips. I enjoy needling the blue pig, I was in the park.

You were using fire trucks to mask the sound of your cruising prowl cars. Hey, pig, doesn’t it rile you up to have your nose rubbed in your booboos? If you cops think I am going to take on a bus the way I state I was, you deserve to have holes in your heads.

Further example: The city needs more prowl cars.



روانی، دیوانه

Clip Script: We’ll go on page, page four.

What do you say, 20 bucks whoever cracks the psycho’s name?

He won’t give his name.

Morti’s? Anyone? That’s where I’m heading.

All right.

Further example: For all I knew she might have been a psycho or a girl with a little blackmail on her mind.




Clip Script: A civil suit would be a suit that you would take out as sort of a punitive move against the person who, who…, the perpetrator.

Further example: The agency sent a letter, but took no punitive action.


Puppet show

خیمه شب بازی

Clip Script: I learned that serving my country as non-electric pop-up target in an often misunderstood crusade for liberty and justice turned puppet show for politicians.

Further example: I had to stand and watch a 20-minute puppet show.

درس چهاردهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Puppet show خیمه شب بازی
Puppet show خیمه شب بازی



آدم رام، آدم ساده، آدم ضعیف

Clip Script: That’s for trial. Nobody’s gonna care a lick what your defense is unless they care about you. The first thing we do is work up sympathy from the press. They’re not all pushovers like Mary Sunshine. But…

Further example: They aren’t the best team in the league, but they’re no pushover, either.


Put sb on notice

کسی را از چیزی مطلع کردن

Clip Script: Your future is about your choices, not theirs. So, today I’d like to put them on notice because come November, I want them to know that it was young people like you, who kicked their asses.

Further example: Student should be put on notice about exam schedule.



قرنطینه کردن

Clip Script: We need to quarantine them here.

Get in a suit. I’ll buy you time. Go, go, go. I’m right behind you.

Further example: Also wild fish can carry diseases and should be quarantined before you introduce them into your community tank.



مرد هم جنس گرا

Clip Script: What? Are you a queer? Why don’t you have a friend?

Further example: Being infamous as a queer. He has always lived a lonely life.




Clip Script: I want you to print this cipher on the front page of your paper. In this cipher is my identity. If you do not print this cipher by the afternoon of Fry, “ F-R-Y,” First of Aug 69 I will go on a kill rampage Fry night. I will cruise around all weekend killing lone people in the night then move on to kill again until 1 end up with a dozen people over the weekend.

Further example: Rioters want on the rampage through the town.



توجیه کردن، معقول جلوه دادن

Clip Script: And rationalized the act a morally sound expression of street justice against a man who I knew to be a serial date-rapist.

Further example: When he fouls up, Glen always finds a way to rationalize what he’s done.


Reach your limit

تحمل را از دست دادن، خیلی بیش از حد تحمل کردن

Clip Script: Set traffic jam on Broadway.

Too many ripples. He’s getting out of range. I don’t know what to do with this. You’re reaching your limit.

Further example: He’d reached the limit of his patience.



بی احتیاط، بی پروا، بی ملاحظه

Clip Script: Thompson was lying when he said you couldn’t be with Elise because she brings out your reckless side.

Then why? Why do they care so much?

Further example: He was accused of causing death by reckless driving.



دوباره جمع شدن

Clip Script: Okay. Here are our cards. When we get all the information, we’ll reconvene. Dwight here will be handling all the day-to-day details of the case. So if you need to talk to anybody, anytime, call Dwight.

I will.

Further example: Mr. Major has ordered ministers to reconvene tomorrow.



وسیله تفریح

Clip Script: So, tell me something, Arthur. You don’t remember anyone you might have had a conversation with regarding the Zodiac?

Maybe Ted Kidder or Phil Tucker at Vallejo Recreation. But I couldn’t be positive.

Further example: His only recreations are drinking and watching football.



بوی چیزی دادن

Clip Script: He was elected to the House of Representatives.

Yeah, he was elected when he was actually 24, but he gets in a bar room fight the night that he’s elected. I like this, all right.

Then you have this photo coming out of the New York Post. I think the accretion of this stuff was just too much for the voters.

It reeked of some level of immaturity here, of impulsiveness.

People want maturity, they want adults in Congress.

Further example: He reeked of sweat.
