
درس دوازدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی


وقیحانه، نفرت انگیز

Clip Script: Utterly absurd, but now that you mention it…

Your Honor, this is outrageous !

I know, I agree.

It’s outrageous. To even suggest that the prosecutor would make a thieves bargain with notorious Velma Kelly…

Further example: It’s outrageous that the poor should pay such high taxes.


Over my dead body

مگر اینکه از روی جنازه من رد شوی

Clip Script: And what am I supposed to do, huh? Suck up to her like everybody else?

It couldn’t hurt.

Over my dead body.

Mind if I join you?

Further example: You’ll marry him over my dead body!



زیاده از حد، قاطع

Clip Script: This is Chicago, kid. You can’t beat fresh blood on the walls.

But my publicity, Billy. My name in the papers. I was counting on that.

Your gratitude is overwhelming, kid. I just saved your life.

Yeah, and you got $5,000. And what do I get?

Further example: She found the city quite overwhelming when she first arrived.

درس دوازدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Overwhelming زیاده از حد، قاطع
Overwhelming زیاده از حد، قاطع


Own up

پذیرفتن، اعتراف کردن

Clip Script: Paulie had a water balloon in his hand and he threw it at Benny, but it hit Ms. Swanson, our math teacher . And she wanted to know who threw it, but Paulie just wouldn’t own up.


So we all had to have after-school detention.

All right, so how did you get into a fight?

Further example: No one owned up to breaking the window.



جار و جنجال، قشقرق

Clip Script: There’s pandemonium here in the courtroom.

Order! Bailiff!

Further example: There was complete pandemonium in the kitchen.



خیالاتی، بدگمان

Clip Script: Why’d you do it?

Because she’ll be able to identify Rick. What are you talking about?

You went on TV. You put yourself out there for him to see.

Oh, Hon, you’re being paranoid.

Then who’s been calling our house in the middle of the night at least once a week?

Further example: He has always been paranoid about his personal security.



Clip Script: Well, the issue is the raw materials. Ann has a sentimental attachment to her church. Father was the pastor there. I don’t know. She says she’s okay with it, but I didn’t want to upset her. Good shot.

Further example: In the former, the pastor or bishop or pope dictated terms, and the faithful responded or were punished.



اصل و نصب

Clip Script: The newspapers said Roxie was expecting a little stranger.

That’s hardly grounds for divorce, is it?

A little too much of a stranger.

You mean you doubted the paternity of the child.

Well, sure.

Tell me, Amos.

Further example: The paternity of the child is in dispute.



غیرعادی، عجیب

Clip Script: What is funny and peculiar to me is how this office spends all its time?

Further example: I seems very peculiar that no one noticed Kay had gone.



(مربوط به) اطفال

Clip Script: People keep saying you need to find closure. There is no closure. There’s only acceptance and resignation.

She was going to be a pediatric surgeon. The judge kept postponing the case and meanwhile, this animal was out on $5000 bail.

Further example: He was senior house officer in pediatrics at the District Hospital.




Clip Script: What did you gentlemen do for Christmas?

You’re looking at it.

You must see Africa. Cradle of civilization. Fascinating people.

Beautiful. Savage.

Back to the killer who wrote to you.

Yes. Of course. It is my belief that he only penned this letter because he couldn’t get through to me on the Dunbar show or here.

He tried to contact you here?

Further example: The song was penned by George Clinton.

درس دوازدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Pen نوشتن
Pen نوشتن



شهادت دروغ

Clip Script: Miss Kelly, do you know the meaning of the word perjury?

Yes, I do.

Further example: Hall was found guilty of perjury.



ساختمان، محوطه ساختمان

Clip Script: One last thing: The rules are quite strict here. As you know, you’ll be working with world materials. This means that you will be thoroughly searched and weighed every time that you leave the premises. If they find any inverse-matter on you, you’ll be fired and jailed on the spot.

Further example: Schools may earn extra money by renting out their premises.




Clip Script: So, the check stubs are a wash. There’s not enough handwriting. The application’s got more, but it doesn’t look like Z’s, so he can’t rule him in. But he can’t rule him out, either.

Well, that’s vague.

He needs more samples. Also, our guy is a pervert. When Mel got the application from Valley Springs , they told him that Allen had been fired for touching kids.


Polite euphemism.

Further example: The sentences meted out to the seven perverts who downloaded pornographic images of children as young as three months were laughable.



آدم بدبین

Clip Script: They can help.

And I always took you for pessimist.

Yeah, well, I like to keep him guessing.

Further example: Don’t be such a pessimist – I’m sure you’ll pass your driving test!



مرموز، خیالی، توهمی

Clip Script: Off the record, Bill Armstrong checked this out.

We took this very seriously. None of the suspect had the suspects had the same birthday as this phantom caller.

Bill Armstrong.

Further example: The phantom pen stealer strikes again!


Pick off

شلیک کردن

Clip Script: School children make nice targets. “I think I shall wipe out a school bus some morning. Just shoot out the front tire ans then pick off the kiddies as they come bouncing out.” Jesus Christ, who’s got school buses? Department of Transportation?

School board.

All right. I’m gonna need elimination prints from your staff. Is there anyone here that didn’t touch this letter?

Further example: There were gunmen in some of the buildings who picked off our men as they went past.

درس دوازدهم لغات فیلم های زبان انگلیسی Pick off شلیک کردن
Pick off شلیک کردن


Pile up

افزایش یافتن

Clip Script: Hey, great mention of you in the Trib today, huh?

You know, there have been so many. I just can’t keep track.

Did I tell you, you are exactly the same size as my sister? You’d fit into her costumes perfectly.


Yeah. I was thinking with all the publicity that’s piled up between us, and when Billy gets up off, we’d be a natural to do an act together.

You think so, huh?

Further example: The traffic starts piling up around this time.
